Most Rev. Octavio Cisneros - Episcopal Representative Alejandro Aguilera-Titus - National Representative Wanda F. Vasquez - Chairperson Deacon Jorge Gonzalez - Co-Chair Father Brian McWeeney - Developement Consultant/Bishops VIP Yohanna de los Santos - Development Consultant/Bishop's VIP Deacon Luis Roberto Polanco - Financial Representative Luis Peña - Secreterial (Chair) Christian Cisneros - Communications (Chair) - Process and Programs/Logistics Father Lorezno Ato - Communications/Liturgy Mercedes Anderson - Communications Doris Valentin - Communications Christy Torres Vaissade - Music (Chair) Gabriel Vaca - Process & Programs/Logistics (Chair) Luz Milagros Ramos - Process and Programs/Logistics Maria Isabel Barboza - Process and Programs/Logistics Deacon Guillermo Gomez - Process and Programs/Logistics Miguel Espichan - Process and Programs/Logistics Father Joseph Espalliat - Charismatic Renewal/Liturgy Cynthia Martinez Psencik - Youth Ministry/Exhibits Deacon Jorge Castillo - Exhibits Sister Mercedes Pilar de la Cruz - Secreterial